
Work-Related Stress in Three Groups with Specific Homogeneous Tasks

Gianfranco Tomei, Carlo Monti, Luciana Fidanza, Roberto Massimi, Flavio Ciccolini, Aanstasia Suppi, Alessandra Di Marzio, Donato Pompeo De Cesare, Grazia Giammichele, Federica De Marco, Stefania Marchione, Roberto Giubilati, Francesco Tomei3, Pasquale Ricci.

In relation to the medico-social and medico-legal aspects of stress we have studied the effects of stress on different working populations.

Background: Stress is the second most common work-related health problem, affecting about 22% of workers in the EU. The European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (2000) defines work-related stress as a condition that "occurs when the demands of the work environment exceed the ability of workers to cope with it".

In the evaluation of this work-related stress it is of fundamental importance to identify the factors capable of generating and increasing it in order to identify categories of subjects particularly at risk and plan interventions for the prevention, elimination or reduction of risk.

Material and methods: The aim of the research is to identify critical issues in the comparison, to specific homogeneous tasks

• Tasks analysed-administrative (n.519)

• Drivers/porters/doormen/workers (n.103)

• Social workers/educators/teachers (n. 31)

Subjective: Stress was first assessed in the three groups, and then stratification by sex was carried out, assessing stress in the male-female subgroups.

Results: The new and original results allow the correction of situations defined as critical, through original and new, preventive, never applied, protocols, which are at the forefront of the preventive technological procedures already known.

Conclusions: Our research showed that for most of the tasks analysed, in the various and specific tasks in comparison with each other, never studied before and compared with each other, the level of stress for some areas was found in comparison to be much higher in some tasks.