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Survival, Growth Response, Chemical and Biochemical Characteristics of the Carcass of Clarias jaensis (Boulenger, 1909) Post Fingerlings Fed Various Dietary Energy

Tsoupou Kuété Suzy Gwladys, Kpoumie Nsangou Amidou, Tonfack Achile Peguy, Komguep Nganyo Ronald, Tchouante Tzukam Christelle G, Vemo Bertin Narcisse, Tasse Taboue Géraud C, Ngueguim Jules Romain, Efole Ewoukem Thomas

This study aimed to improve the knowledge on the growth of post fingerling Clarias jaensis endogenous catfish of Cameroon in order to enhance it. For this purpose, 360 males and females with a mean weight and total length of (97 ± 9 g and 24 ± 1,5 cm) were divided into four comparable groups receiving 13.75 MJ/kg, 14.04 MJ/kg, 15,82 MJ/kg and 16.11 MJ/kg repeated 3 times (15 males and 15 females/repetition). Results shows that the energy level did not have a significant effect on the percent survival, consumption index, and K factor. All other growth characteristics were significantly affected (P<0.05) by the energy level. The highest feed consumption (337.37 ± 5.07 g) was recorded with 16.11 MJ/kg. Live weight (244.41 ± 35.0 g), total length (31.12 ± 2.12 cm), weight gain (146.27 ± 33.86 g), mean daily gain (1.08 ± 0.25 g), specific growth rate (0.67 ± 0.11%/day) and dry matter (31.63 ± 1.55%) where higher in fish fed 14.04 MJ/kg.

The males outperformed the females with regard to all growth characteristics. Lipid content (8.31 ± 0.14%) where higher in the group receiving 16.11 MJ/kg (P<0.05). Protein, ash and all biochemical characteristics of the carcass were not significantly affected (P>0.05) by the energy level.