
Oral Hygiene Status: The Critical Parameter in Orthodontic Patients

Jothi Yadav

Aim: The aim of this study was to assess the status of oral hygiene among patients using fixed mechanotherapy appliances.

Methods and Materials: Patients undergoing orthodontic treatment had their dental hygiene status assessed using the Gingival Bleeding Index (GBI), Plaque Index (PI), and Ortho Plaque Index (OPI) at three intervals.T0 (the first day), T1 (15 days), and T2 (30 days) for a month.

Results: 10 individuals (15–30 years old) receiving orthodontic treatment at the department of orthodontics and dentofacial orthopaedics, Adesh Institute of Dental Science and Research (AIDSR), Adesh University, chosen for the study. Results showed that the mean PI significantly decreased from T0 to T1 and then from T1 to T2, the GI significantly decreased from T0 to T1 but then did not differ significantly from T1 to T2, and the OPI significantly decreased from T0 to T1 but did not differ significantly from T1 to T2. For the PI, GI, and OPI, there was no discernible difference between the genders of the patients.

Conclusion: Patients undergoing orthodontic treatment may be more susceptible to gingivitis if they don't practise good oral hygiene at home. As a result, throughout orthodontic treatment, oral hygiene guidelines and a hygiene maintenance strategy must not be neglected.