
In-Out-In: The Use of a New Sutureless Endovascular Bypasses Technique as an Alternative to Treat High-risk Surgical Patients with Extensive Femoropopliteal Lesion

Roberto Teodoro Beck, Milton Sérgio Bohatch Júnior, Marcelo Haddad Dantas, Amanda Fernandes Vidal da Silva, Camila Perli Pinto

Sutureless Viabahn anastomosis has been used as a promising technique in selected cases. The current study conducted a sutureless femoropopliteal bypass, through percutaneous accesses and an extra-anatomical trajectory, in a patient with critical limb ischemia. This technique, which is minimally invasive, has become a femoropopliteal revascularization alternative to be applied to high-risk patients with extensive occlusions.