
Dental Care Seeking Behaviour among Female Jail Inmates of Bhopal City-A Cross Sectional Survey

Vrinda Saxena, Manish Jain, Vidhatri Tiwari, Nilesh Torwane, Aparna, Ankita

Aims and Objective: Literature on oral health care related behavior of female prisoners is scanty. Hence this study is designed to provide information on dental care seeking of female prisoners and serve as baseline data to astound upon the prison authorities, the need to further plan preventive curative and rehabilitative services in the Jail Premise. Methods: This cross-sectional study was done on 177 female prisoners residing in central jail, Bhopal, M.P, INDIA, by interviewing, interrogating and entering the WHO basic oral health survey methodology 2013.Statistical analysis was done using SPSS version 17. Result: On compiling the data collected, the result unveiled that majority of the female prisoners did not concern dentist ever in spite of having poor oral hygiene and dental problems. Conclusion: Concluding details of the contemporary study was overall dental awareness, dental health seeking behaviour among female prisoners residing in Central prison Bhopal was wretched. Due to stressful milieu comprising desertion from the society as well as family, the prisoners underrate their health issues primarily and thus did not even care to consult dentist regarding their oral health issues